Conservation Assessment


Wife of Henry Hoover
Died April 29, 1854
Aged 41 years

Henry Hoover
Born March 3, 1809
Died Dec. 17, 1876

Type of Marker: Headstone and footstone
Date of Marker (estimate): 1876
Material: Marble
Issues: Biogrowth, sugaring, sunken, vegetation
Comments: Bases to both the headstone and footstone are buried.
Recommended Treatment: Cleaning w/biocide, consolidation, raising

Historic Integrity: Intact
Structural Integrity: Good
Material Integrity: Good
Legible Inscription: Good
Degree of Bioturbation: 1/4 sunken

Marker Details
Inventory Number: 173
Plot Number: 396
Historic Number: 310
Cemetery Section: 5
Ledger Book Number: 205
Orientation: East
Marker Height/Length (in): 41
Marker Width (in): 22
Marker Thickness/Depth (in): 5
Footstone Height (in): 3
Footstone Width (in): 18
Footstone Thickness (in): 4